The South Bay Piping Industry provides workers and employers with opportunities to study and explore new and innovative joint approaches to achieving organizational effectiveness while assisting workers and employers in solving problems of mutual concern not susceptible to resolution within the collective bargaining process.
Meet Our Team
Contractor Spotlight
KEEPING YOU COOL’ SINCE 1975! That’s over 45 years!
Environmental Systems Inc., has evolved as a leader in cutting edge technology, while keeping pace with the ever changing HVAC and energy management environments. We keep in mind, the basic goals of customer service and satisfaction. This formula has enabled our company to grow steadily since its founding in 1975. ESI has been a consistent force in the plan and spec market, as well as proving our capabilities in design/build-negotiated projects. ESI handles commercial projects, both large and small, with equal care and commitment to excellence. Click here to learn more!
Training Center Information
Brian Murphy is the 393 Pipe Trades Training Center Coordinator. He’s led the efforts to create a hybrid learning model, bringing apprentices both online classes and Covid-safe in-person labs.
“The pandemic has forced the Training Center to modernize is ways we only dreamed of before,” said Brian. “It was a steep learning curve for
both the apprentices and the instructors to move courses online. Now we wonder, “How did we ever do this before without an online component?”
“Hybrid in-person and online learning is here to stay, but there are some things you have to do in person. We’ve opened up our labs, and we now have 100 students on any given night.
BluePrint Newsletter
The BLUEPRINT Newsletter Spring 2024 is now available – click here!
Interested in a career in our industry? You can earn while you learn by contacting our state of the art Pipe Trades Training Center in San Jose. Call 408-453-6330 or visit their website
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